We’ll try to keep you posted on everything Monster Hunter and Save Wizard in due course. If this happens to you, restore your save and avoid using the cheat! Save your new file and make sure that it's in the right location (see step 1) Use the free character edit voucher DLC to change your character's.
Go to the Information tab and rename your hunter. Double click on the Steam ID field in the General tab and paste your ID from step 2. You might experience a slight problem when using the Activate Material Cheat which may cause issues with pets (resulting in a negative number of them). Launch the save editor and open the SAVEDATA1000 file with it. Remember, sometimes less is more and if you need more, just use the cheat again.
If you have new items etc and use the HAVE ALL cheats, it will remove everything and replace with the base pre-2.00 set (as the note says right next to it…).ģ) If you are happy with your current items etc, you can use the “SET AMOUNT TO” cheats to give yourself more. Again, there is a note to say this! If you do NOT do this, strange things happen.Ģ) The existing cheats do NOT contain new items etc that are related to Iceborne. This is not a fast process and will take us a few days.ġ) Before using ANY cheats from the STORAGE BOX group, you MUST (and yes, you HAVE to do this) AUTO-SORT the items, etc. Now that is done, we are working on adding the new items etc of which there is around 1200.